Effective Ways To Help Your Child Socialise

Effective Ways To Help Your Child Socialise


The initial stages of child development are crucial. It requires a healthy upbringing and development of a child. It includes identifying and inculcating social, emotional, educational, and cognitive abilities. Real learning starts with the family. And it can happen if a child’s parents are supportive, i.e., the parents can understand their child’s capabilities. If a child lives in a safe and comfortable environment, spending time with family and peer groups, going shopping, parks, school, etc., can demarcate a significant change.  

But this is not the end. One must observe whether a child can connect or socialise with others. Socialisation is an essential aspect of uncovering the child’s social requirements. Or else a child will turn out to be an introvert.

Parenting Style

A child’s growth and development depend upon the lifestyle they are living in. This can raise many questions. For example,

  • Whether a child is living in a safe and healthy environment?
  • Are the parents taking proper care of their children?
  • Are the parents able to understand and guide their child?

And much more.

Parenting can be both positive and negative. Positive parenting is where the parents are supportive, caring, loving, and fulfill their children’s needs, etc. Hostile parenting is just the opposite. It also consists of the torture and cruelty children face from their parents or other family members.

Socialisation of children requires an upbeat parenting style. It must include the following –

  • Properly interacting with children
  • Showing warmth and concern.
  • Taking them to parks and other public places.
  • Sharing stories, books, etc.
  • Showing concern about their health.
  • Providing adequate learning skills.

These practices ensure a child’s growth and development.

Effective ways to help your child socialise

  • The first learning starts from home. The parents must engage their children in learning to respect their elders.
  • The habit of proper greeting must be developed. Be it older or younger, a child must learn to greet respectfully.
  • Involving children with a peer group of their own is effective. When a child meets other children of their age group, they will be able to talk and make friends.
  • A child must learn to shake hands with everyone, which will help to boost confidence.
  • Children must be taught to be animal friendly. Having pets in the family, showing love, or feeding the street animals will help in reducing a child’s fear.
  • Parents can teach their children to behave appropriately wherever they go. And it should be done beforehand. A child takes time to learn and grasp. So the learning should happen at a pace.
  • Whenever your child makes mistakes, make them understand that they’re wrong. Try to get them correct, so they don’t repeat the same mistakes. And, whenever they do something good, praise them. It will motivate them to do more and better.
  • Invite your children’s friends at home to maximise their participation and interaction, which will help a child's social development.
  • Play with your children. Whichever activities or games your child is interested in, the parents must also try to participate with them actively. It will build social skills, and a child will start feeling comfortable around them.
  • Spend more time with children. Do not let them feel aloof. It will make them disinterested and bored


Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above Blog are the independent views of the blogger / author based on his/her experience on child growth and development. It is not intended to represent Abbott’s viewpoint on the matter or to promote Abbott’s products. Nothing in this content should be construed as Abbott giving medical advice or making a recommendation, endorsement of any kind, nor does it seek to replace medical opinion or independent professional/ clinical judgement.

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