A nutritional drink for your child’s growth

Pediasure Vanilla

PediaSure® – Vanilla

PediaSure is a nutritional drink specially designed for kids between 2-6 years old. It is  formulated with 37 vital nutrients to help kids grow.  It is clinically proven for 50% more growth in 90 days and has advance growth nutrients like Arginine and Vitamin K2 to help support longer, stronger bones. It contains Nutri Pull system that acts like a magnet to attract key nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc to support their absorption.

Make PediaSure your child’s growth partner today!


Available in :  200g, 375g, 750g, 950g, 1900g

Available flavours:

Why Choose PediaSure?

Trusted Nutrition

Scientifically designed to meet the needs of growing children. Trusted by moms in over 80 countries.

NutriPull System

Nutri Pull system that acts like a magnet to attract key nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc to support their absorption.

37 essential nutrients

Supports growth and immune function to keep kids healthy and growing.

Builds Immunity

This nutritional drink contains immunonutrients that help build immunity and fight infections.

Helps Bone Growth

Arginine and Vitamin K2 help promote growth by supporting longer, stronger bones.


PediaSure in Milk

Step 1

Pour 130 ml milk in a mug.

Step 2

Add 3 tbsp of PediaSure.

Step 3

Mix and enjoy!

PediaSure in Water

Step 1

Pour 190 ml water in a mug.

Step 2

Add 5 tbsp of PediaSure.

Step 3

Mix and enjoy!

The scientific way to help your child grow

Buy PediaSure from our Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Which study supports the claim “PediaSure is clinically proven for 50% more growth in 90 days”?

In a 90-day trial with 255 children aged 2 to 6 years, PediaSure plus dietary counselling significantly increased weight-for-age and BMI-for-age z-scores in fussy eaters compared to dietary counselling alone .

What is NutriPull system?

Nutri-Pull system helps attract key nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc which are important for growth in children.

How do I ensure that my child is growing up fine?

A simple exercise like measuring height as well as weighing your child can help you to assess your child’s overall health. Plotting height & weight on growth charts allows you to keep track of your child's growth & development over time and helps take timely measures if required. The frequency of growth monitoring for children should be as follows:

- 2-5years - Height & Weight every 3 months

- >5 years - Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) every 6 months till 9 years and annually thereafter.

Please consult your Pediatrician for appropriate advice.

Can you recommend any resource where I can get information on Nutrition and related issues in future?

Call toll free 1800-266-0488 for free counselling on Nutrition and related queries offered by expert nutritionists.

Can I mix Pediasure powder in any smoothies?

Absolutely, in fact adding PediaSure powder is a great way to power up your fruit smoothies with added nutrients including calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals that your child may be missing.

Is there any duration within which I need to consume PediaSure once mixed?

Once Mixed PediaSure should be consumed immediately, else please cover, refrigerate & consume within 24 hours.

References / Disclaimers

1. Ghosh Ak et al. Journal of International Medical Research 2018, Vol. 46(6) 2186–2201. Maresz K. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal. 2015. Fitzgerald RJ et al. Int. Dairy Journal. 1998. Hansen M, et al. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 1997. Van Summeren M, et al. . Pediatric research.2007. Lynch SR, and Cook JD. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1980 Dec 1;355(1):32-44. Christakos S, et al.2011. Van Vught AJ et al. Br J Nutr (2013), 109, 1031-1039. Dietary arginine and linear growth: the Copenhagen school child intervention study.  Van Summeren MJ et al. Br J Nutr (2008), 100, 852-858. Vitamin K status is associated with childhood bone mineral content. Maresz K. Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(1):34-39. Disclaimer: Growth implies to Mean change in BMI for age z score at day 90: 0.54 Vs 0.26 ( >50%) (p<.0001) in developmentally at risk picky eating children 2 to 6 years. Children aged 24 to < 48 months were asked to consume at least one serving (224 mL) and those aged 48 to 72 months to consume two servings (448 mL) of PediaSure. Claims are based on 1-2 serves (with water) per day. Nutri-Pull system includes vitamin D to support calcium absorption, Vitamin K2 to support utilization of calcium, vitamin C to support iron absorption, and CPPs (from casein hydrolysate) that are more rapidly digested and absorbed than whole protein. Adequate diet with protein intake. Adequate diet along with Calcium, Vit D, Vit C, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc. PediaSure contains Arginine and Vitamin K2, which help in longer, stronger bones​.

Alarcon P. Clin Pediatr.2003; Ghosh et al JIMR ,2018. In children at nutritional risk, when given in conjunction with dietary counselling 


Percentage of median HFA achieved as per WHO growth charts for girls & boys comparing height at 19 years versus height at 6 years*. 
CMARC CPR Data, dated 3rd February 2022 

Van Vught AJ et al. Br J Nutr (2013), 109, 1031-1039. Dietary arginine and linear growth: the Copenhagen school child intervention study.
Van Summeren MJ et al. Br J Nutr (2008), 100, 852-858. Vitamin K status is associated with childhood bone mineral content.
Maresz K. Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(1):34-39.
Disclaimer: Adequate diet along with Calcium, Vit D, Vit C, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc. PediaSure contains Arginine and Vitamin K2, which help in longer, stronger bones​

Instructions to use and nutritional facts as per pack label accessed on September 2023
PediaSure contains Copper, Folate, Iron, Selenium, Zinc and Vitamins C, D, A, B12 and B6, (immunity nutrients as stated by EFSA 2016) ; In children at nutritional risk, when given in conjunction with dietary counselling Ref - 1) Alarcon P. Clin Pediatr.2003; 2) Ghosh et al JIMR, 2018
PS label dated Sept’23 ; EFSA Journal 2016; 14(1): 43-69

Data on file PDS CCD dated January’23

IN-PDS-NOV-2022-1667271930​, IN-PDS-AUG-2023-1691145796