Frequently asked questions

Where can I buy Ensure Powder?

You can buy Ensure Powder through most pharmacies without a script. If your local pharmacy does not stock Ensure Plus Strength on shelf please ask them to order it in for you, or call our Customer Service team on 1800 225 311.

How do I prepare Ensure Powder?

Ensure Powder can be enjoyed as a convenient milkshake-style drink. To prepare a single serve (230 mL), put 195 mL of cold water or milk into a glass. Gradually add 6 level scoops (53.8 g) of Ensure Powder, using the enclosed scoop and stir well, mixing until dissolved. Your Ensure health shake is ready for you to enjoy.

Ensure Powder can also be added to your favourite recipes. Check out some of our recipes using Ensure.

How do I store Ensure Powder?

Opened cans of Ensure Powder should be covered and stored in a cool, dry place, but NOT refrigerated. Store unopened cans at room temperature. Once opened, use the contents of the can within three weeks.

Reconstituted Ensure (once it has been prepared into a health shake), should be used straight away or covered, refrigerated and used within 24 hours.

How much protein is in Ensure Powder?

Each serving of Ensure Powder contains 8.6 g of protein.1 This is about 19% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for women aged 19 to 70 years and 13% RDI for men.2

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend adults eat 2–3 serves of protein containing foods each day to maintain the recommended levels of protein.3

If you think you may not be getting enough protein through your diet, or with the help of Ensure, speak to your healthcare professional.

How much calcium is in Ensure Powder?

Each serving of Ensure Powder contains 242 mg of calcium.1 This is about 25% of the recommended dietary intake of calcium for men and women aged 19–50 years.2

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend adults consume 3.5–4 serves of calcium-rich foods – milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives (mostly reduced fat) – each day.3 These foods are high in calcium and are also a rich source of protein, vitamins and other minerals.3

If you think you may not be getting enough calcium through your diet, or with the help of Ensure, speak to your healthcare professional. They will be able to advise you on how to improve your calcium intake, and recommend a calcium supplement if required.

What nutrients, vitamins and minerals are in Ensure Powder?

Ensure Powder has been carefully formulated to offer a complete, balanced source of nutrition.1 It contains important nutrients, high quality protein and healthy fats. It also contains 28 essential vitamins and minerals important for the health of our bodies.1

Can Ensure Powder be used as a sole source of nutrition?

Ensure Powder is nutritionally complete, balanced and is a Food for Special Medical Purposes. It is suitable as a sole source of nutrition, used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.1

Is Ensure Powder suitable for people with diabetes?

Ensure is not recommended for people with diabetes. Please speak with your healthcare professional regarding if the Diabetes Specific Nutritional Supplement, Glucerna, is suitable for your individual needs

Is Ensure Powder lactose free?

Under Food Standards Australia and New Zealand, Ensure Powder is classed as low lactose, as it contains no more than 2 g of lactose per 100 g. Generally, those with lactose intolerance can manage small amounts of lactose.6 The amount of lactose that individuals with lactose intolerance can consume without experiencing symptoms varies from person to person. If you are concerned advice should be sought from your healthcare professional.

Ensure Powder should not be consumed by people with galactosaemia.

Is Ensure Powder gluten free?

Ensure Powder is gluten free which means it contains no detectable gluten at a limit of quantification of 5ppm.6

Can Ensure Powder be mixed with fruit? What impact does this have on the nutritional value?

Yes, different fruits can be added to Ensure shakes to make a fruit-flavoured smoothie or shake. Fruits tend to be high in certain essential vitamins and minerals and can contain a moderate number of kilojoules depending on the amount used. Adding fruit can increase the vitamin, mineral and total calorie content of the shake.

Can milk be used instead of water to prepare Ensure Powder?

If milk is added to Ensure Powder instead of water, the nutritional profile of the resulting shake will be different than the product label. If using cows milk, the resulting shake will also no longer be suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Is Ensure healthy for you?

Ensure contains complete, balanced nutrition with 28 essential vitamins and minerals to help support strength, energy and immunity.

Ensure is suitable for helping adults meet their nutritional requirements:

          To help bridge nutritional gaps to support a healthy and active lifestyle

           To provide energy and essential nutrients to support bone, muscle and immunity

           To assist those at risk of developing disease-related malnutrition, including those recovering from surgery, injuries and illnesses

Can anyone drink Ensure?

Check with your Healthcare Professional to see if Ensure is appropriate for your individual needs. 

Can Ensure be used as a meal replacement?

Check with your Healthcare Professional as to the right frequency and usage occasions for Ensure for your particular situation. 

Can I drink Ensure while pregnant?

Check with your Healthcare Professional if you are pregnant to discuss if Ensure is suitable for you. 

Can I drink Ensure hot?

Please note that when heating Ensure there may be minor losses of some nutrients

Can I freeze Ensure?

Please note that when freezing Ensure there may be minor losses of some nutrients.

Can I drink Ensure on an empty stomach?

Ensure can be consumed with our without other food in the diet. Please speak with your healthcare professional regarding your particular circumstances. 

Food for Special Medical Purposes. Use only under medical supervision.

References: 1. Ensure® Powder Product Label. 2. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, New Zealand Ministry of Health. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand, Executive Summary. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council; 2006. 3. National Health and Medical Research Council (2013) Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council. Available at: 4. Glucerna Powder Product Label 5. Devitt A, et al. J Diabetes Res Clin Metab. 2012;1(20):2. 6. Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code. Standard 2.9.5 - Food for special medical purposes.

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