Fear of Feeding

Fear of Feeding


Some feeding guidelines to make sure your child’s growth will be on track: 

1. Manage mealtimes.

  • Set regular mealtimes (3 to 4 hours apart).
  • Limit the duration of meal to 30 minutes.

2. Select appropriate food.

  • Encourage your child to practice chewing and swallowing by introducing soft, smooth-textured food.

3. Address the fear.

  • Gradually introduce your child to items that he associates with feeding (high chair, spoon, bib, etc.) outside of mealtimes.

4. Learn to understand your child’s hunger signals.

  • Feed your child when he shows signs of hunger. End meals when he shows signs of being full.

5. Allay your fears by supplementing your child’s nutrition with PediaSure Plus.

  • PediaSure Plus is the only complete, balanced nutritional supplement with Triple Protein Complex to deliver visible growth and stronger immunity.

What to do if your child is a picky eater

Click on the feeding behavior that best applies to your child for some feeding guidelines to make sure your child’s growth will be on track!

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