Is your Child a Picky Eater?

Is your Child a Picky Eater?


Dealing with a picky eater can be a daily challenge for many parents. Children who are selective about their food intake may not be getting the essential nutrients they need for proper growth and development. This can lead to concerns about their health, energy levels, and even their social interactions during meal times. Understanding the reasons behind picky eating and finding effective strategies to manage it can help ensure your child receives balanced nutrition and thrives.

Signs & Tips for Managing Picky Eaters

Signs of a Picky Eater 

Does your child show these behaviors every meal time?

- Refusing to try new foods

- Eating only a few specific types of food

- Showing strong preferences for certain textures or colors of food

- Eating very slowly or not finishing meals

- Having tantrums at meal times over what is served

 Tips for Managing Picky Eaters

If your child is a picky eater, here are some strategies that can help:

- Create a positive eating environment: Make meal times pleasant and stress-free.

- Offer a variety of foods: Regularly introduce new foods alongside familiar ones.

- Be a role model: Eat a variety of foods yourself to set a good example.

- Avoid forcing or bribing: Encourage trying new foods without pressure.

- Make food fun: Use creative presentations and involve your child in food preparation.

Children with poor nutrition may grow stunted or small for their age

Poor nutrition can stunt children's growth, causing them to be smaller or shorter for their age. Ensuring a balanced diet with essential nutrients is crucial for their healthy development and overall well-being.

Does your child show these behaviors every meal time?

- Refusing to open his mouth when fed
- Disliking certain food because of the look, smell, or taste
- Having a small appetite despite intake of various types of food
- Crying at the sight of food
- Preferring to play rather than eat

If you’ve observed any of these, you might have a picky eater at home! When your child frequently loses his appetite and eats less, his health may be at risk due to inadequate intake of nutritious food. 

One glass of PediaSure Plus is equal to 1.5 glasses of regular milk

If your child is a picky eater, ensuring they get the necessary nutrients for proper growth can be challenging. PediaSure Plus® is specifically designed to help children catch up on growth. By giving your child two glasses of PediaSure Plus® daily, along with three balanced meals and regular exercise, you can support 1.5 times faster growth in just eight weeks compared to no nutritional supplementation.

PediaSure Plus® contains natural Vitamin K2 and added arginine, which are essential for your child's overall growth and development. Nutrients found in PediaSure Plus® help fill in the nutritional inadequacies experienced by picky eaters. Unlike regular milk, which lacks these critical components, PediaSure Plus® provides comprehensive nutritional support to help your child thrive

Regular milk is made from cow’s milk that contains proteins, fats, lactose and various vitamins and minerals which are also used as food or nourishment for children. ​

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