Strength For Life: Unleash the dynamic power of the Muscle – Bone Connection

Strength For Life: Unleash the dynamic power of the Muscle – Bone Connection


Ever wonder how your body keeps you moving, bending, and reaching with ease? Growing up you may have learnt that strong bones are important to everyday life and activity. But did you know that muscles are just as important to help you and your loved ones stay strong and active?

In fact, the muscles and bones are the dynamic duo powering every move and supporting the body's structure! Bones provide the sturdy framework, while muscles provide the power for movement.

Get to Know Your Muscles and Bones:

  • Muscles: Think of muscles as the body's movers and shakers! They are the ones responsible for helping one flex, extend, and twist.

Muscle Fun Facts

  • Did you know that the human body is made up of more than six hundred muscles?
  • Muscles are the largest component of total lean body mass (or LBM), which is everything that makes up the body except for fat. In fact, muscles usually account for 50% to 60% of the body weight.1

Healthy muscles also are essential to a person’s physical strength, organ function, skin integrity, immunity and wound healing.1

  • Bones: Bones are like the body's scaffolding—they provide structure and stability, protecting organs and a solid foundation for the muscles.

Muscles and Bone Health Go Hand in Hand to Support Each Other

  • Stay Strong: With every movement, the muscles tug on the bones, giving them a gentle workout. This helps keep the bones strong and dense, reducing the risk of fractures and breaks.
  • Keep Balanced: Strong muscles help you and your loved ones stay steady on your feet, preventing slips and falls. Plus, good balance means fewer bumps and bruises!
  • Support From Within: The muscles also play a role in keeping the bones healthy by releasing special chemicals that help them grow and repair themselves.

Reap the benefit of healthy muscle and bones to live every day at your prime:

  • Move with Ease: Strong muscles and healthy bones make everyday tasks like lifting groceries or chasing after your children or grandchildren a breeze.
  • Stay Pain-Free: By taking care of the muscles and bones, you and your loved ones can ward off aches and pains, allowing one to enjoy life to the fullest.
  • Live Your Best Life: Whether it is exploring new hobbies, traveling the world, or simply enjoying time with loved ones, strong muscles and healthy bones give you and your loved ones the freedom to do what you love.

Tips for keeping the Muscles and Bones happy:

  • Get Moving:

    • Find activities you enjoy, whether it is dancing, hiking, or gardening and, do them. Anything that gets your body moving is good for muscle and bone health.
  • Eat Nutritious:

    • Fuel your body with a healthy and balanced diet.
      • Aim for a well balanced diet by following the guidance of the Healthy Plate. Select a variety of food from each food group and, aim for the right portion each day.
    • Include protein-rich foods to build muscles.
      • Protein-rich food include eggs, beans, nuts, meat, poultry, fish, milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt.
      • Select low fat and lean choices to keep the overall diet lower in saturated fat.
    • Add on calcium-rich food choices to strengthen bones.
      • Milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt are rich sources of calcium. Other calcium rich choices include soybean curd, small fish with edible bones and green leafy vegetables. Calcium fortified foods such as juice, water and biscuits can add variety.
    • Ensure adequate Vitamin D for muscle and bone health.
      • Egg yolk
      • Salmon
      • Sardines
      • Tuna
      • Orange juice fortified with vitamin D
      • Dairy and plant milks fortified with vitamin D
      • Fortified cereal

Consider the use of an oral nutrition supplement.

If you find eating a well-balanced and healthy diet difficult or are not eating enough each day, include a complete and balanced oral nutrition supplement (ONS) to ensure adequate intake of energy, protein, calcium and vitamin D. Consider an ONS with HMB. HMB is a metabolite of the essential amino acid, leucine. HMB prevents muscle breakdown while supporting muscle building.

Your muscles and bones are the unsung heroes of your body, keeping you moving to unlock a life filled with vitality. By giving them the attention they deserve through exercise, nutrition and self-care, you are not just investing in your physical health but also in your overall well-being to enjoy the benefits of a strong, healthy body every day. So go ahead, embrace the power of your muscles and bones, and live life to the fullest!

1 Demling RH. Eplasty, 2009; 9: 65-94.

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Stand4Strength muscle age test

Did you know that our muscle mass and strength peaks at age 401 before declining at accelerated rate? One can lose up to 8% muscle mass per decade2. Additionally, muscle strength loss occurs 2 times faster than muscle mass loss every year3.


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