Kesar Makhana Phirni

Kesar Makhana Phirni Recipe



  • Double toned milk – 1 cup​

  • Makhanas – ½ cup​

  • Corn flour – ½ tsp​

  • Cardamom powder – A pinch​

  • Saffron- 2-3 strands​

  • Chopped mixed nuts - 1tbsp​

  • Ghee - 1tsp​

  • Ensure Diabetes Care – 3 Scoops


  • In a small bowl, soak saffron strands in 2 tablespoons warm milk and keep aside.​

  • In a heavy thick bottomed pan, add ghee, once hot add makhana to it and roast it over a medium flame, until golden brown.​

  • Once they turn crispy, grind them coarsely and keep aside.​

  • Now, in a heavy thick bottomed pan add milk and heat it on a medium flame. When it boils, reduce the flame and keep stirring for a few minutes. ​

  • Mix corn flour in little water, add it to the boiling milk and cook while stirring it continuously to avoid lump formation.​

  • Once the milk starts to reduce, add saffron milk and cardamom powder to it and mix well.​

  • Then add coarsely ground makhana to it and mix well and cook until its consistency is thicker than kheer.​

  • Once done, take it off the flame let it come down to room temperature, add 3 scoops of Ensure Diabetes Care, mix well, transfer it to a kulhad and let it set in a refrigerator for 1-2 hours.​

  • Garnish with chopped mixed nuts, serve chilled.

 Nutritional Information






Per Serving122.71​13.021​

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