Why is Ensure® Diabetes Care?


Right nutrition is important to manage diabetes along with exercise and prescribed medication. Ensure Diabetes Care is a scientifically formulated diabetes specific nutrition which has been tested in clinical trials for 20+ years 1​



The pillars of diabetes management 2​

Be active & eat right​

Maintain a healthy weight, include physical activity into your daily routine. Choose what, how much & when to eat.

Track your blood sugar​​

Regular monitoring helps you keep track and take necessary steps to control your blood sugar levels​.

Adhere to your treatment​

Taking medicines (if needed) to help you reach your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol goals​.


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1. Ensure Diabetes Care Pack Label 2022
2. https://diabetesjournals.org/clinical/article/40/1/10/139035/Standards-of-Medical-Care-in-Diabetes-2022. Accessed on Oct 31st, 2022​
3. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000305.htm Accessed on Oct 31st, 2022
