Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Nepro LP & HP?

The main difference between the products is the protein content. Nepro HP has 118% higher in protein per serving (17.82g) vs Nepro LP (9.94g). Thus, these products cater to patients of different stages of Chronic Kidney Disease.

Nepro LP (Lower Protein) – suitable for pre-dialysis patients as it helps patients to meet low protein diet requirements. Low protein diet is crucial for maintaining kidney function and delaying onset of dialysis to maintain strength and quality of life. 

Nepro HP (Higher Protein) – suitable for patients on dialysis, as it helps patients to replace protein lost during dialysis sessions.

Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice. 

If I am not yet on dialysis, which product should I consume?

Nepro LP. It helps to slow the progression of CKD and maintain the nutritional status of people with reduced kidney function but are not on dialysis. Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice.

What is the water content in Nepro?

Nepro LP: 162ml per 220ml bottle

Nepro HP: 161ml per 220ml bottle

Is Nepro suitable for patients with diabetes?

Yes! Nepro LP (GI: 44) is suitable for people who have both reduced kidney function and diabetes. Nepro HP (GI: 35) is suitable for patients on dialysis and diabetes. Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice.

Is Nepro low GI?

Yes. Nepro LP has a GI of 44, while Nepro HP has a GI of 35.

Can Nepro be used for tube-feeding?

Yes. Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice.

Why is this product called Nepro LP?

Nepro LP stands for Nepro Lower Protein. It has 44.2% less protein per serving (9.94g) as compared to Nepro HP (17.82g). The lower in protein formulation helps slow progression of chronic kidney disease and maintain nutritional status. Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice.

Why is this product called Nepro HP?

Nepro HP stands for Nepro Higher Protein. It has 118% higher in protein per serving (17.82g) as compared to Ensure Life. The higher in protein formulation helps to replace protein lost in dialysis, maintains muscle mass and strength. Consult your doctor or dietitian for further advice.