Poor Performance in school
Deficiency of nutrients can lead to inadequate brain development, resulting in lower IQ, reduced learning capacity, difficultly in focusing and problems with memory recall.13,14
Children who are stunted may not be deficient in calories but may be undernourished due to their unwillingness to eat or lack of balanced nutrition.1
In Philippines, 1 in 3 children is stunted2
Stunting is an issue that affects the child the entire life. It goes beyond just being short, numerous studies have shown the health consequences and forced choices a child has to make in adulthood due to stunted growth.3
A child is said to be stunted when they are too short for their age. It is a consequence of inadequate nutrition during the most critical period of growth and development.2
WHO has developed the global standards based on data from 6 countries to create a height chart for every age.4
Let’s look at this chart, where we compare the height of a normal 3-year-old girl and boy versus a stunted 3-year-old boy and girl. Do you observe the height difference in the two sets of children?5,6
This is a simple way to diagnose stunting. All you need to do is just measure your child’s height and compare it with the WHO’s pre-determined range.
If your child’s height is above the normal range (on or above the green), it means your child is growing well. If not, and may be at a risk of stunting. Consult your paediatrician to find the causes.5,6
One of the major causes of stunting is nutrition….
Nutrients that are consumed should also be appropriately absorbed and used in the body. For example, once the calcium from the food source is consumed, it requires Vitamin K2 to convert into a form that can be deposited into the bones and result in growth.
The bacteria in the intestine (gut) play an essential role to achieve proper absorption and utilization of nutrients in the body. They help in absorbing nutrients from food and also play a role in providing immunity from diseases.
An imbalance or lack of good bacteria in the intestine can lead to inadequate nutrient absorption and use, causing stunting.9-11
Vitamins and minerals have important functions in the body such as strengthening the bones, fighting infections, wound healing, etc. Vitamin and minerals are required for the body to work properly and stay healthy. If your child’s diet lacks in these important nutrients, like vitamin D, minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, etc., it may result in stunting.8
In addition – link to UNICEF or WHO and check with doctor to rule out any serious medical conditions…..
Many people believe that if the parents are short, then their kids will be short as well. But that’s not true!
Research has shown that the environmental factors, including nutrition, has a greater influence on height during early childhood than genetics
Did you know, 80% of a child’s height is determined by factors like nutrition and only 20% by genetics?1
Stunting is a problem with early beginnings and lasting consequences. It can lead to irreversible, long-lasting impact on physical and mental development of the child.1,3
Deficiency of nutrients can lead to inadequate brain development, resulting in lower IQ, reduced learning capacity, difficultly in focusing and problems with memory recall.13,14
Inadequate or deficiency in nutrients can lead to a weakened immune system, resulting in a child falling sick, often; which impacts growth.1,14
Stunted children may not be as physically fit as normal children. They also have lesser range of motion, reducing their success in sports like basketball, volley ball, swimming, athletics and rowing.15,16
A study among adults showed that stunted children who grow up remain 6-9 cms shorter.17
A study showed that tall adults are more likely to get managerial jobs as they are perceived to have leadership qualities.18,19
Stunted children are at a high risk of developing lifestyle diseases and cancer as adults.1
If your child is a picky eater or you are worried that he is eating insufficient food or an imbalanced meal or falls sick too often, consider a child nutritional supplement.
Ensure your child is getting enough exercise regularly. Children who get enough physical activity grow taller since exercise stimulates the production of growth hormones.15
Ensure your child is getting enough rest. Growth hormones are released at night and children who get adequate sleep are known to grow better than those who dont.21
Research has shown that providing a complete, balanced child nutritional supplement (CNS) as part of the diet of children at risk can help to improve their nutrient intakes.20
In a study conducted among stunted children in Vietnam, about 4 in 10 children recovered from stunting after 6 months of daily Consumption of oral nutrition supplement.20
A child cannot recover height in the same way that they can regain weight at a later stage. You need to make changes to your child’s nutrition immediately. If left untreated your child will most likely grow up to be a shorter adult.
Take action as early as possible to provide good nutrition for your child and help unlock his or her full growth potential!
Make sure to also measure and monitor your child’s growth regularly.
Learn more about how Pediasure Complete Nutritional Supplement can help your child grow well!
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