Teach Colours To Children

Teach Colours To Children


Why should you teach colours to your kid? Learn how your child develops the ability to identify colours and how you can make this educational journey extra fun.

We often take it for granted that every child can name colours with ease. But this ability is actually a complex learning process for all children. To do so, each child has to learn to match the word and its sound to a hue that he or she sees.

Read on to understand how vision develops and how you can teach colours and help your children learn to make colour recognition a part of their life.

How Your Child's Vision Develops

During the first month, babies will generally ignore people and the surroundings, even with their eyes open.

In the second month, infants will focus on things that are 8 to 12 inches away from their eyes. Your baby will be fascinated by faces brought close to him or her. At this stage, your child is most attracted to bright, contrasting colours.

In the baby's third and fourth months, they will gaze further and see their little hands, while their vision includes the feet at fifth months.

In the sixth month, babies can turn their head and move their eyes in all directions.

At two and a half years, they should be able to name one colour.

At age three, your child will know two colours, and name three colours with confidence by age four.

At five years of age, most children are able to recognise four basic colours.

Teach Colour with the Help of Toys

During your child’s first two months, the best toys for your toddler will be ideally in black, white or brightly coloured.

At age two, start talking about the colours that surround your little one. Describe a colour you see and ask your toddler to identify it over and over again on different objects.


Start with the primary colours: red, blue and yellow. Add these bright colours to bedroom walls and pick toys in these hues. Then, introduce secondary colours such as violet, orange and green to your kid.

Once your child has got a grasp of basic colours, add on complex shades such as magenta, brown or shades of blue and green to your child’s room.

Play Games to Teach Colours

After your little one turns five, try more of such creative games and activities to help broaden your child’s colour vocabulary.

Start by sorting objects by colour. Offer your child toy blocks in a variety of colours and ask your child to pick up a red block or a green one.

Praise them when they get it right. Show them the right colour if they are wrong. Play this game with your child frequently and over time, your child will be able to pick up the blocks by colour with ease.

You can also teach your child about colours by naming the seven hues on a rainbow. Whenever you spot a rainbow, use it as an opportunity to teach colours.

Playing with colour pencils, crayons and paints can help – let your child doodle, scribble, colour or paint with them. These colouring tools can help children to learn how to express their feelings and thoughts.

Vegetable art is another fun learning activity to try. Use sliced vegetables as stamps, by smearing child-friendly paints on the produce. Of course, moms and dads will have to slice the vegetables beforehand – keep sharp objects away from your little one.