What You Need to Know About Diarrhoea in Toddlers

What You Need to Know About Diarrhoea in Toddlers


As every parent knows, changing nappies is no fun at the best of times. Throw in a case of diarrhoea and you’ve got a particularly unpleasant mess on your hands.

But what causes diarrhoea in toddlers. And how can you prevent it?

There are actually a number of factors that can give your little one an upset stomach. The most common is infections by bacteria, viruses and other parasites1. Sometimes this can be tough to avoid, particularly when they are playing with friends or attending busy daycare centres. Practicing proper hand washing after visiting the toilet is a great place to start.

Diarrhoea remains one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. Almost every child will experience diarrhoea at some point and the potential for dehydration is great. Check with your baby’s doctor if your child has diarrhoea.

Diet Tips For Children with Diarrhoea

The diet tips will depend on the root cause of diarrhoea.

If you notice frequent diarrhoea, then try making some adjustments in your toddler’s diet. You may try phasing some things from your child’s diet if it’s fed in excess. For instance, you might think that fruit juice is nutritious, but too much of it can lead to an upset tummy. In this case, try limiting fruit juices to see if that helps.

Lactose intolerance can be another cause, so try reducing the intake of cow’s milk and other dairy products to see if that helps (soy formula can be a great substitute2).

The other problem with diarrhoea is that it damages the lining of your child’s gut, making it more lactose intolerant when your child is still ill. This makes foods that are normally quite palatable suddenly become a problem. This can last up to two weeks, so choose lactose-free formula during this time.

When to see a doctor

Diarrhoea in infants and toddlers can be dangerous, and should be taken seriously. With diarrhoea there is a risk of dehydration in your child.

Here are some signs that your little one should see a doctor3 :

  • any signs of dehydration (dry lips or mouth, little to no tears when crying, little or no urine in diaper after three or more hours)
  • a fever of over 38.9°C
  • diarrhoea (loose and watery stools) lasting more than 24 hours
  • stools that contain blood or are black in colour

The most important aspect for caring for children with diarrhoea is to making sure they drink plenty of fluids to combat dehydration4, ideally in small doses, but frequently. Number one priority is making sure they are being rehydrated as dehydration results in the loss of important minerals and fluids your toddler needs to function. If they drink fruit juice, make sure it’s diluted with water so it’s not too concentrated. And of course, make sure both you and they wash hands frequently to avoid spreading any germs.

Some medication, particularly antibiotics, can change the makeup of the bacteria in the gut with explosive consequences5, so speak to your doctor if you think this might be the cause. However over the counter diarrhoea medication should not be given to infants as they could be harmful, if in doubt always contact your doctor.

Find out more on diarrhoea in toddler with our experts



WebMD. Retrieved on August 21, 2015 from: http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-diarrhea-causes-treatment
Health Promotion Board of Singapore. Retrieved on August 21, 2015
U.S Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved on April 2021
Mayo Clinic. Retrieved on August 21, 2015 fom: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antibiotic-associated-diarrhea/basics/causes/con-20023556
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Retrieved on August 21, 2015 from: http://www.kkh.com.sg/HealthPedia/Pages/ChildhoodIllnessesDiarrhoea.aspx


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