Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 1

Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 1

First Trimester


The first two weeks of pregnancy are known as the preconception stage, meaning you are not technically pregnant yet. Your body requires fundamental nutrients to prepare itself for the pregnancy. Pay close attention to your nutritional needs as it begins here – before your baby is even conceived. Enjoy a healthy, balanced diet comprising a variety of foods, rich in folic acid, iron and calcium.

Your Nutrient Of The Week

Folic Acid
Nourish your body for the upcoming months with Folic Acid. It has been shown to help prevent early pregnancy birth defects.

Where can you find Folic Acid?
They are naturally found in lentils, dried beans, peas, and whole-grain breads.

Pro-tip: Take nutritional supplements
You can also supplement your diet with multivitamins, prenatal vitamins, or a maternal milk supplement. Talk with your doctor (Obstetrician and/or Gynecologist) about prenatal vitamins.

Your Wellness Tips This Week

On top of nutrition, maintaining your wellness is equally important.

A balanced exercise programme
A balanced exercise programme, starting from week 1 of your pregnancy, might be as important as a balanced diet. Pregnancy puts extra physical demands on your body. Being physically fit can help both you and your baby off to a good start. Try to find a routine that holds all of the following exercises:

  • Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise
  • Exercises to build muscular endurance
  • Muscular strength or resistance training
  • Flexibility exercises

Take note:

  • Exercises that focus on muscles in your lower back and stomach are particularly good in preparing for pregnancy.
  • If you can exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes a day for three to four days a week, you will probably notice significant health benefits.

Pregnancy and weight gain
Many women are concerned about weight gain during pregnancy. Remember that gaining weight is a natural, normal part of being pregnant. Your doctor will probably suggest a weight gain that is best for you.

Smoking, alcohol and caffeine is a no-no
Avoid smoking and alcohol, and limit your caffeine intake to about one tall coffee a day.

Your Baby's Development at Week 1

At Week 1, there is no baby or embryo as of yet. The first week actually begins with the start of your last menstrual period. Why? It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when your egg becomes fertilised, making the date of your last cycle a more accurate starting point. Your doctor will calculate your due date by counting 40 weeks from the start of your last menstrual period.

It’s called the Gestational Age. Because ovulation and conception take place about two weeks after your period begins, your baby’s Foetus Age (which begins when your egg is fertilized) will be two weeks less than his Gestational Age. Simply put, when you’re 8 weeks pregnant, your baby’s foetus age is 6 weeks.

Go for your first doctor visit
Many women make a preconception appointment with their family doctor or OB-GYN. This can help you make sure your body is ready for pregnancy. It’s also a great opportunity to ask questions or talk about any special concerns you might have.

If you are taking prescription medications, you may want to consult your doctor as well.

Your Changing Body at Week 1

After every period, your uterus sheds its lining. That creates a new lining that’s rich in blood vessels to house and nourish a developing baby. Now, it’s setting the stage for the nine months ahead.

* Comparison among all maternal milk in Singapore as of January 2022, as declared on the label.

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